Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday Fun

Walgreen Wonders Week 2

We're getting the hang of Walgreens and the reward 'deals'.
From the pictures you can obviously see what the steals were for the week.
I was so happy for the Tylenol and Motrin... we were getting low!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mommy Moment

The heart strings have been pulled tonight... as I get ready to celebrate Max's 3rd birthday... my mind and heart are flooded with so many memories... so many emotions... so many prayers... and SO much gratitude for our little angel. May 3, 2007 our family was complete. Alex and Emma's little brother arrived safely (although they wouldn't meet him in person for many weeks)... Max Bryson Evans was born at the University of Utah at 6 am and quickly taken to Primary Children's Medical Center. He was pink, he was spirited, he was tiny, he was an answer to many prayers and blessings... there was nothing 'down' about this moment. I had just been handed one of my greatest gifts. Our family had just been blessed with a special little boy. Motherhood was always a dream of mine. Although the hard work, fun, exhaustion and excitement have only just begun....

I am truly living my dream... and I am so grateful.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Emergency Backpack - Week 17

This week we add family photos, personal information and contact numbers to our backpack.
I put these in the little photo album found on the photo lab counter.

Spreading Out!

I've always said, "Clean up is easy...if everything has it's space!"
Lance put together another rack for my food storage... I was giddy re-organizing and spreading things out! Look at that extra room! What a great day!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Walgreen Wonders

My friend and I are going to figure this Walgreen stuff out! It is goal of mine! With a little patience and organization (and did I mention patience...) you can steal some deals!
Not too bad for week 1!

Frugal Friday!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Lance is breathing a sigh of relief at the moment... his semester ended yesterday AND he only has 1 more semester left AND he received a 4.0!!! CelEbRaTiON! Love ya, hun!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Summer Movie Minutes

I was happy to see that Tinseltown Movie Theater in Layton is sponsoring movies for kids this summer. For 10 weeks they will show a children's show. The kids and I went last year and had a great time... they were obviously not new releases but cute shows....and fairly new. It was a couple of quiet, cool, calm hours on a hot summer day!

$5 punch passes can be purchased for all 10 weeks/ movies (in advanced, up at Tinseltown)
otherwise $1 each week!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Garden Update - week 6

Warm weather - check
Manure spread - check
Garden tilled - check
Peas and Beans planted - check
Seeds to be transplanted Mother's Day weekend!
No mustard seeds... but lots of faith!

Em's Experiment

After school today, Emma needed to do an 'experiment'... left me wondering... what science she wanted to create while Alex was doing homework... I was cooking dinner and dad was studying. CRAYONS! Melt the old to create new HAWAIIAN style crayons! Kindergarten science project!

One of those moments...

Sacrament meeting was just about over... Alex started loading up his scripture bag for Primary... "Ah, mom?"... I forgot to give this to you last Sunday... a little white slip that informs me that Alex is to give the talk in church next week... now this week! ALEX! We run home, grab our FHE booklet... find the Holy Ghost story and get back to Primary to give the talk... all within 5 minutes. LOVE THIS BOOK! For FHE and... last minute talks. I think they even have a second book out now at Deseret Book or Seagull.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

A weekend with BEARRIFIC...

Emergency Backpack - Week 16

This week I added pocket knives to our backpacks.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

by Liz Lemon Swindle

When the people brought their little children to the Savior His disciples rebuked them, but Jesus replied, "Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 19:13-14)

The Savior must have loved being surrounded by those perfect little souls who loved Him so dearly. I can imagine Him smiling as He watched them play and laughing as they told Him stories, the kind of simple and innocent stories all little children tell.

I admire Liz Lemon Swindle's artwork...
and enjoy visiting her website to pick my new weekly favorite:)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Building Strong Bones or Buildings...

Maybe we'll eat healthier ever other day... capt'n crunch, oatmeal, capt'n crunch, oatmeal (maybe!) Either way these 20 boxes were free... building blocks or bones,
whatever makes 'em happy!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Oh Captain, my captain...

I had not bought a box of cereal since back to school time... so needless to say our cereal supply was getting a bit low... today changed that situation... Life Cereal is 5 for $5 this week at Smiths... super... add the manufactor coupon that is found in Dicks, Dans, Fresh Market and Bowman's ad for $3 off 5 boxes... that makes Capt'n Crunch for 40 cents (the big box, too :) Yes, they will take the coupon because it is from Quaker Oaks and they'll be reimbursed from the company... it doesn't hurt the other stores at all... yipee! Guess what we are having tonight for dinner... after pack meeting...30 boxes of cereal = $12.00!

Jump For Heart

We have the opportunity at Creekside to participate in Jumprope For Heart, through the heart association. The Evans' family will be jumping in honor of Grandpa Gene who died of a heart attack way too early in life and Grandpa George Albert that suffered from a bad heart resulting from a childhood illness. If you'd like to help Alex and Emma reach their goal, click the link below and help out a heart!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Nanny

Happy Birthday, Nanny!

Today would have been my sweet grandmother's 92nd birthday. Nanny will always hold a very dear spot in my heart. She was truly an angel here on earth... Nanny taught me (and my many siblings and cousins) by example. She lived and loved the gospel ... she was a devoted wife, mother, grandmother and great- grandmother... she perservered when life threw her lemons, she always remembered the simple acts of kindness and was ALWAYS a lady!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Emergency Backpack - Week 15

This week I added a whistle to each backpack!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Tomorrow my sweet mother is celebrating her 67th birthday!! For MANY years she would tell me that she was 35... again... and again... and again... it took me a while to figure out that the math wasn't working out! My mom is 67 and is fantastic! I have been so blessed to have a close relationship with my mother my entire life. She has been my best supporter and source of encouragement. She has stood by me in my sad days, and my happy days, my failures and my accomplishments. She has been the prime example of hard work, patience, kindness, loyalty and love. I have always admired the love and respect that she had towards her own mother. One of my fondest memories is watching my mom give her mother a beautiful rose on her birthday... April 10th. I know tomorrow she'll be visiting Nanny's grave to continue the sweet gesture. Mom is everything I hope to be one day... a loyal (and very patient) wife, an accepting and supportive mother, a marvelous NANA to 9, loving sister and dear friend to many. Happy, happy birthday, Mom! I love you with all my heart! Lo

Pre Season Game Show

It all begins again tomorrow... well... Max's show began tonight... warm up!

I know that I'm totally asking for it by posting this new little idea (that I totally stole from my favorite new blog... notice the button on my blog... that says a lot!). My sisters are going to ROLL their eyes and tell me to get back to my classroom! With that said... aren't they cute. I love birthdays and many times have said... "I wish I had some candles!" Well girly friends, now we can be prepared for family members, co-workers, friend's birthday celebration...anywhere... anytime...stick a candle and light the flame in a cupcake, cheeseburger, candy bar... the celebration will not be missed. This little thing can easily travel with us in our diaper bags or purses 24/7! Happiness!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wordless Wednesday


My dear friend shared her strawberry jam recipe....delicious.... on toast, PBJ or a spoon! I had a few left over strawberries that I didn't want to go to waste ....
and a sugar craving to fill :) Thanks Aubrey!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Garden Undate - week 4

Yeah baby! Things are growing...hopefully we'll get some warm weather so we can move these bad boys outside before they take over the kitchen table.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Full Tummies and Hearts

We had the opportunity to go to Nana and Pa's after conference today for Easter dinner. It was so nice! Mom had her house all decorated for Easter and the tables decked out with the fancy dishes. She made a delicious honey baked ham, cheesy potatoes, salad, relish tray and red velvet cake for dessert. She always creates an Easter Egg hunt for the kids (actually 2... one for the big kids and one for the little ones). Due to the weather she played Easter bingo with the kids and their bingo prize was an egg. Everyone could win a total of 5 times = $5.00 plus candy! They wait for those labeled eggs each year! We are so blessed and so grateful. Family is everything... I love the saying "We may not have it all together, but together we have it all!" I am so thankful for my parents, sibblings, nieces and nephews. Raising my own little family with the love and support of them and the gospel makes it all possible and delightful!!
Thanks again, Mom! I Love you!

Emergency Backpack - Week 14

This week I added ponchos to each backpack!

Easter Favorite

One of my favorites to share with our little ones... Three Days Without Light.

Told through the eyes of a Nephite boy living in Zarahemla, Three Days Without Light recounts the dramatic events that took place in the Americans at the time of the Savior's crucifixion and atonement, including the resurrected Christ's appearance to the Nephites at the temple in Bountiful. In this story you follow one family as they look to the prophecies of Samuel, experience the terrors of earthquake, flood, and darkness, and finally find unspeakable joy as they come to the feet of the resurrected Savior.

"Behold, I am Jesus Christ,... the light and the life of the world... Arise and come forth unto me, that ye may thrust your hands into m side, and also that ye may feel the prints of the nails in my hands and in my feet, that ye may know that I am the God of Israel, and the God of the whole earth, and have been slain for the sins of the world." 3 Nephi 11:10-14

Hoppy Easter!

That sneaky bunny left mom and dad's Mrs. Cavanaugh's DEliCoUs eggs and beach towel right on the counter in plain sight... the kids began to get worried when their baskets were NO where in site. They checked in the dishwasher, dryer, shower, bathtub... Emma even mentioned, "Maybe we were good enough this year!" aaahhhh! Luckily, mom needed something downstairs in the food storage, so everyone followed. Wha-la! That darn Easter Bunny hid the baskets downstairs this year in the frigid temperatures. No worries everyone warmed right up after 'Heely-ing' around in their new fun (dangerous) shoes, pumping and exploding Rocket Balloons all over dad... at 8:14 a.m. they have bellied up with the basket treats to watch Emma's new DVD Princess and the Frog... Max's in next, Toy Story 1 and Alex will bring in the final flick, Toy Story 2. What a great morning...
I'm pretty sure there WILL be a nap in between conference sessions! Hoppy Easter!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

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Good Morning!

I love these mornings ...when things are a bit slow! We had time to make one of our favorites. I'm pretty sure Em will be able to create this dish (from memory) very soon!
We love them!
6 eggs
1 cup flour
1 cup milk
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 t vanilla
1/2 t salt
Preheat oven to 400. Place a 1/2 cube of butter in the pyrex while oven is preheating and you are mixing the ingredients. Pour mixture into pan. Cook for 15 minutes. Srpinkle with powdered sugar before serving! DeLicIOuS!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Coloring Easter Eggs

It has been a CRAZY week... the kids have been dying to color easter eggs... we finally did tonight! Many fingers, many colors... luckily without many messes!

Easter Fun at School

This is another reason my children LOVE school! I'm afraid if it was up to me... as a mom... at home... they wouldn't be making easter baskets and going on easter egg hunts.
Thank you Ms. Susan and Mrs. Gray!!!

Emma's Art Night

Last night we attended Creekside's Art Night for K, 2nd, 4th, and 6th grade. Emma's class performed a play for drama, sang a darling song for music and displayed her artwork from her kindergarten year. She is such a darling daughter and super student!
We are so proud of you Emma!